





环球青藤 2020/11/05 09:04

1. Unemployed:

Over at Career HMO, I call this the "Ugly U Word" and I refuse to let my members use it. It is a negative, defeatist word that implies something is wrong with you. Just because you aren't currently working doesn't mean you aren't a talented professional. You weren't stripped of all your accomplishments and experience when you lost your job. They are yours to keep and promote. Instead, refer to yourself as "between jobs" -- because that's really what you are.


而是说”between jobs”,其实这也是真话,因为你确实处于新旧工作之间。

2. Open:

A common mistake that those looking for work make is to tell people they are "Open to anything." While you might think that makes you sound more marketable, it actually has the opposite effect. It implies that you: (a) don't have a focus; (b) don't know what you are good at; and (c) are more worried about getting a job than what the job entails.

This isn't what hiring managers are looking for at all. They want a

confident person who knows what they want, why they are the right person for it,and how they will leverage their experience to do the job effectively. Saying you are "open" to all job opportunities is like saying you are "open" to dating anyone with a pulse. You owe it to yourself to have some criteria -- not to mention that it shows you have self-respect.

人们求职时常犯的一个错误是说自己”Open to anything” -

干什么都行。你自己可能觉得这样增加就业机会,但是结果其实正相反。事实上,这样说显示你:(a) 没有注重点; (b) 不知道自己干什么好;(c)


3. Try:

When some says, "I try to..." it implies they don't always succeed. Share with people what you do well. Give them examples of accomplishments that prove your worth. Back up your track record with facts. Use your professional history to show how you get it done. Not only is it more persuasive, it will remind you of just how capable you really are.


4. Nice:

Of course you are nice, but companies don't hire for niceness. They hire problem-solvers. Instead of saying you are nice, call yourself valuable. When it comes to getting hired, you need to focus on how you either save or make employers money. Better still, you need to show how you have saved or made your employers enough money in the past to cover the cost of hiring you.

Simply put, companies can't hire you because you are a "nice" because it doesn't pay the bills. And, if you are concerned about coming across as a braggart, consider this: You are a business-of-one who is in the process of marketing themselves to land a new client (aka new employer). You MUST sell yourself. What would you pay good money for: Something nice, or something valuable? See the difference?




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