

标签: 英语一对一家教费用 英语一对一 英语


如果是通过家教中介找到的兼职家教工作,在开始授课前会有半个小时左右的试讲要求,中介收费一般是两次课的课时费。如果不是通过中介找到的家教兼职工作。如果是学生兼职的话,家长一般会要求是英语专业或者是通过专八。通过专八的学生课时费一般来说是80块钱一个小时,在职老师也差不多是这个价钱。如果是普通大学生,一般是50到60块钱一个小时。 这是普通家教市场的行情。


    刘老师 英语


    混合式:每一段的首行缩进两格。落款在信末中间靠右下的位置。 齐头式:信的所有内容都靠左,段与段之间空一行。


    (1)信头 The heading


    (2)编号和日期 The reference number and the date

    方便以后查信使用。Your ref: (你方编号) Our ref: (我方编号)


    (3)信内地址 The inside address



    (4)称谓 The salutation

    在英文信函中,相同于“阁下”、“先生”等类礼貌性称谓,常用Dear sirs”;称呼企业,公司的妇女组织常用Madams,Ladies;无具体收信人姓名用Dear Sir or Madam 称呼收信者。


    (5)开头语The open sentences



    (6)正文 The body of the letter


    (7)结尾语The closing sentences


    (8)结束语 The complimentary close

    英文商业信函的结尾是写信人的谦称,相当于“敬上”的意思。若收信者为公司,谦称则常用:Yours Truly,Truly Yours,Yours faithfully等;若收信者为个人,则常用:Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours等。需要注意的是,结尾的.谦称后必须加逗号。

    (9)签署 The signature

    签署由两部分组成,一是写信人的签名,二是打印出的写信人的姓名。签名用钢笔或圆珠笔写在结尾谦称下5行的位置内。尽量不要用印章,用印章的话,说明该信件并非本人亲自过目,只是通函而已,不为人重视。为易于辨认,在签名下还应打印姓名,有时还将职衔一并打印。常见的职衔有:Chairman of the Board of directors(董事长),President或Genera1 Manager(总经理),Director(董事),Stand Director(常务董事),Manager(经理),Head of Department(职员),Manageress(女经理),Head of a Department(处长),Section chief(科长)等。


    (10)附件 Enclosure

    如果信中有附件,应在左下角注明Encl. 或Enc.。

    许老师 英语

    It is natural that difficulties hide in every corner of our life,so we have to face them at times.Whatever we have undergone in our life, we shouldn't complain about it. We may get a lot or lose so much in our life journey, but keeping a positive attitude should always be together with us. Nothing can defeat us if we are confident and diligent. Just as saying goes, God is equal to everyone. As he closes the door, he will also open a window for us.

    Many of us have seen a picture on the Internet of a man with a nice smile is struggling along with the aid of a stick because of losing one of his feet,and another man is sitting on the ground without shoes on his feet,looking anxious and depressed.How different the expressions flitting across their faces are!At the bottom of the drawing says”Because I have no shoes,I keep complaining until I find another man who has lost one of his feet.”

    What an impressive drawing it is in revealing different attitudes toward life!A person's attitude towards life is very important, it determines your life, which path you are taking and how your life will become. if you are a person with very strong positive outlook, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you will always look at the bright side of life and never give up easily. Take Thomas Edison as an example.Before inventing the electric bulb,he had tried thousands of materials for lamp filament,but failed.Despite others’ laughing at him.he said,”I am not a failure,at least I have proved these materials are not fit for filament.”Before long he invented electric bulb.

    The most frequent example you see are those patients or people that are handicapped or suffering from some type of illness like cancer. They do not give up any glimpse of hope and continue fighting till they their last breathe. Even those very determined handicapped,they do not blame the world for their disable. Instead, they are contented and blessed with all the rest the have, their family , friends and those who support them greatly. Those handicapped with negative attitude towards life will feel that the world is unfair and they life in misery and always feel that they are unless and unwanted.

    All in all,it is our attitudes that have changed everything in our life and help us to pull through all hardships.So we should strive to develop a positive attitude toward life and the world.It is convinced that only when we are equipped with optimism and confidence can we achieve success in the future.


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